Hello Punekars! Here’s a good news for you – Truvison, an Europe based consumer electronics and appliances company will be introducing itself in Pune during the press-conference on 24th January 2017.

We are fulfilling our promise of delivering superior-quality technology across the globe and will be proudly showcasing our products during this press-conference. This enables you to see our products in nearby retail outlets around Pune very soon.

Here’s everything that will happen during the press-conference.

1) Truvison will unveil it’s products and announce the details.

The wait is now over.

We will not only be showcasing our products and announcing the MRP’s but also will be updating the press on our sales expansion plans, company details and future marketing plans during this press-conference.

So gear up for a new product coming up around you shortly!


2) Learn everything about the fascinating Cornea Technology

We will also be talking about the Cornea Technology which is used in the LED TV’s which ensures a relaxed movie experience with minimal strain caused to the eye. This technology acts as a catalyst and controls the radiation, to enrich the complete visual experience.

3) We will introduce our noble cause association

Truvison is collaborating with The Eye Bank Association of India and working towards spreading the awareness about eye donation. We will talk about the same to the press in order to spread awareness about the cause. Truvison pledges to donate eyes in association with EBAI, an initiative to take care of the overall health of the eye, spreading awareness about corneal diseases and at last gifting a vision to the ones deprived.

You can now experience world class home appliances, television sets and ultimate audio machines with Truvison products which have a multi-layered quality check prior to market release safeguarding quality control for our customer satiety. With our belief to enhance customer experience by delivering superior quality technology, we will be talking about our TruValues in order to provide TruSatisfaction to our customers.

Let us know what you think about the interesting product range by Truvison, check us out at www.truvison.com